Anyway she is a smart cookie and I know she did just fine... so as a reward we went to get a little treat after school, after the last day of testing. I rarely do this so it was fun.
I read somewhere out in the blogosphere about someone who takes her children out to a nice cafe at the end of each school term for a little celebration.. I think that is totally sweet and might have to do that myself
Relief.. Testing is OVER! Pass me the desserts!
What do you mean I have to share?
Someone forgot their cafe manners... we were meant to share this cake with 2 forks.. she just picked up the whole piece and went for it
well done! Those tests are full on! I always take my boys out to a special cafe at the end of term, it is very rewarding and they always debrief about the term.
Oh, so that's what Naplan meant! Obviously i don't read the school newsletter thoroughly, thought it had something to do with getting kids to sleep:)
Congratulations Miss K for completing the test, you deserved a treat!
ilaughed out loud when i saw the photo of Miss G, that's what Master H would do.
What a great idea!
Mum and sisters also get the treat, although Miss K did all the work!!
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