Friday, October 29, 2010


Dear Mr

We miss you very much. We miss hearing you come home. The creak of the gate and the front door are the secret clues. The girls almost thought you came back when they hear it.

I think you have been gone more this year than you have in our entire 12 years together. (which is  not much, but still) though I secretly think you miss us more than we miss you. We have eachother here to keep us busy (very busy and tired). You are all alone and missed us on your first night and every night (except when you're out on the town eating at fancy restaurants with your brother) . You pretend to be the strong one keeping us all in line, but really you are a big softy under there. (which I've always known and get to see)

 You're rarely home anyway but I miss you breezing down the hall, a quick peck and off again. (As happened on sunday. A car dropped him off at the front door, he walked the hall - the length of our house, stopped to kiss me and continue on to the carport to leave in our car for another appointment. In front of my Visiting Teachers! and he didn't come back for 5 hours!)

BUT I have come to realise how important that 3 seconds in the hall, 'smooch and run' is. I can do most things myself. I can look after these kids myself. But you look after me. And boy do I need some looking after. This week makes me reflect on all my friends and family who are single mums, or who have husbands travel extensively for work. It's hard. Thank  you for reminding me to be thoughtful of them. Us girls need to band together. Strength in numbers and all that. Because on my own? These kids get away with too much. It's just easier to do it all myself and let them slide. Which is not good. Because if I had to do this permanently (no dying on the plane home ok?) what would they learn? Nothing because I would let them get away with soooo much.

 I also miss how you calm my fears. I've had to sleep with the phone next to me and a broom in the room. Don't know how a broom will help me but I figure I could wack or poke someone with it if they tried anything. And sweep up the kids mess  in the morning? So watch out bad guys. I'll sweep you up. You'll be done and dusted.

 You are very much needed back in bed. These girls are all thinking they get to sleep in here. I myself am enjoying being able to spread out and have the bed all to myself. If you are gone too long they may think its their permanent place. I have had to ban them and there is much crying everynight. Atleast when you are back I can say Sorry but Daddy is back. He needs *all* the room cause he's so  fat  large and muscular. I hope you enjoyed that big hotel bed all to yourself. I am jealous and want one of my own.

 Please return and save me from myself. I have been staying up late doing housework! Now that is unheard of. Maybe it just takes longer to do stuff without you to help, or maybe I'm lonely/scared to go to bed, but whatever it is, that's no excuse to be doing washing/drying/folding/cooking/dishes/mopping till late late at night. Redonkulous.

Can't wait to see you very soon xx

PS. Next time I am coming with you. Got it?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Annual First Mango of the Season.

K peeled hers as a whole 'ball' and I think this was N's first mango..... she mooshed it to death.

Its become annual right? Third year running now.  See Here,  and here 
A 'first mango of the season' after school Mango Party.

I got a tray of mangoes yesterday for $14.

I took the squishy ones and made sorbet/granita

We ate a bunch afterschool, took lots of photos, and the sweet sticky girls ended with a bath.

Don't they say that's how you eat a  mango? In the bath?

And as I type this they are eating Mangoes for breakfast and the sorbet too!

We will try and save one for you Mr. (good luck though. I highly doubt there will be any left.)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Now is the time.

Gathering my little ones

It's funny when you see a theme emerging in front of your eyes.

Is this how God answers prayers you haven't even uttered?

This comment from this talk at Conference struch a chord with me.

The world will teach our children if we do not, and children are capable of learning all the world will teach them at a very young age. What we want them to know five years from now needs to be part of our conversation with them today. Teach them in every circumstance; let every dilemma, every consequence, every trial that they may face provide an opportunity to teach them how to hold on to gospel truths.

Teach your children NOW what you want them to know/do 5 years from now!!

On facebook recently a friend asked at what age is it ok to let your kids go to the park alone.

A friend of hers whom I dont even know said:

"You know your kids - if you think they're ready, they probably are. Don't wait until you feel completely comfortable for them to be out of your sight, or it will never happen!"

I've blogged previously how I  have been dabbling in a bit of free range for my (older) kids and (still have FAR to go) but the benefits have been tremendous. For both them and me. This mans comments hit me hard. Sometimes we DO have to get out of our comfort zones. Sometimes we DO have to be the one to start something. Sometimes we DO have to be the one to reach out to others. Sometimes we have to teach our children things so they can be ready to bear hard things upon their shoulders.

These two snippets of advice in the last few weeks seriously just jumped out at me amongst all the other words around. Like they appeared bold and bright before my eyes.

I need to teach my children at their level now what I want them to be doing in 5 years time. Scarily enough Miss K will be a teenager then!! (oh help me please a house full of teenage girls!!)

This advice hasn't come at a better time

A prayer I hadn't even uttered has been answered.

I want to teach self reliance. I want them to be able to walk alone with a purpose. I want them to be chaste in their thoughts and deeds. I want them to know and love their bodies and the science behind it (ie a better knowledge of the birds and the bees). To know the sacredness and importance of being women . I want them to be strong. I want them to be able to cook. I want them to be able to clean. I want them to be able to sew. I want them to be helpful to others around them. I want them to know they can always rely on their parents. I want them to be able to work without being directed. I want them to be kind and loving and look out for eachother. I want them to be smart and safe. To value choices and to understand consequences for those choices.

Now is the time.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No denying today. - Edit

Before.Definately a before pic.  In the dim (relaxing?) rooms waiting.

I did it.

Remember this post and this post . As the year is ending, I am rushing around achieving things off my list. Refining my wardrobe, lounge room, self etc.

I went to the day spa. Why yes I did.

3 hours at the day spa. A Facial and a Parrafin Pedicure.

Robes that made us feel like giant teddy bears.

Apparently my eye area is extrememly dehydrated!
(like um thats not a shock- no skin routine and no sleep is my life.)

We had twin rooms. So fun to get facials and pedicures together. Though I haven't be nakey with my sister since we were tiny. Ahhh reminiscing... lol.

We entertained the girls assigned to look after us. Well my sister did. She had em laughing with her lifes troubles/fun/dating stories. Cause I have a totally boring and mundane life (to a young beautician anyway)

I felt bad cause I think I got the better girl. I think my facial and pedicure was better. And thats not fair cause it was my sisters birthday! So next time ask for Gemma.  She had long fingers and her facial was soothing and massage  nice and hard.

I think Spa day should be a part of my schedule everyweek.

But alas I shall go back to my denying. 

except now I have expensive eyecream and moisturiser to put on daily.

These feet may never look as good again. With my bag of goodies. Gotta fix those crows feet.

And here is my mother guilt. N may never trust me again. She was not happy at the babysitters when she realised I had stealthily snuck out while she was distracted with toys. Apparently my friends whole apartment building knew she was not happy!) I didnt know until after I got back (thankgoodness, or I would have felt guilty the whole time.)  She spent the rest of the day crying if I stepped away from her. She was thinking I was going to leave. She's never been babysat without her sisters so obviously its traumatic :)

Post edit : All this was made possible by dad who bought us vouchers for christmas that we are *finally * using. Sweet. I only had to part with half the excessive amount of money it cost! My skin and feet thank you Dad! And the Mr who gave me the other half of the money :D  ahhh sweet men in my life

Monday, October 25, 2010


It was winter.

A friend and I were running from the warm car down a street to a party.

She was only wearing a knee length skirt and was chattering because she was so cold.

Why are you only wearing a skirt then? I ask.

It's my goal.

Its your goal?

Yes. I will only wear skirts or dresses.

Ummm thats great but why?

Because its more feminine. It's been a long process but essentially remember Sister Nadauld (I think) a few years ago said "we have enough tough women of the world - we need women who are soft". I am an independent, strong willed, opininated woman and ultimately wearing a dress/skirt assists me in behaving more feminine.Femininity is cultivating the nature that a woman is born with and when a woman is feminine she is her most effective. I want to be at my most effective.

Ok. Your brave I say. I'd never do it. ( I do love me some jeans and shorts)

But your married she said. I am not. There you go. Another reason.

hhmmmm *thinking* I must admit  the Mr does prefer me in dresses/skirts. *wink wink*

There you go. Just proved my point she said.

When you're pregnant and can only wear stretchy dresses, you can't wait to be rid of them.

If I ever see that black/floral/knit/insert stretchy dress description  again it will be too soon!

Oh and then you breastfeed for 14 months and think... If I ever have to wear a feeding friendly shirt again.. it will be too soon.

Anyway all this to say I'm embracing the dress.

I'm collecting enough dresses so I can wear them on a daily basis.

Nothing in my way now!

All inspiration from a deep thinking friend. A friend who went all winter in a skirt!

and of course, the Mr won't mind at all ;)

and yes. I've even ridden the bike twice in a dress this week!  Don't worry no flashing. Bike pants under :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be
intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
 ~ James 3:17

Friday, October 22, 2010

Foody Friday

With my extra tomatoes teasing me daily - do something with us before we all die!!! I remembered the best tomato relish I've ever had. Last christmas my mother in law made some and we ate it with all that leftover christmas ham. It was devine.

So I knew I had to make tomato relish.

I googled sweet tomato relish and found this recipe

All you need is tomatoes, brown sugar, onion, vinegar. (I didnt have chilli or garlic)

Dinner that night was thick bread, ham and tomato relish.

IT was soooo GOOD.

I might have had four or more :D

And now there is none left.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ok its true. I'm crazy.

After thinking about my drinking idiosyncrasies  I thought I would continue on that vein.

I have many weird/annoying habits.

I wear my watch on my right hand. I was recently drawn to this fact (again) because I just started wearing a watch again. Someone said to me ... uummm did you know your watch is on the wrong hand?? Me:  ... no... its on the right hand.. ha ha ha ha.

When I got my first watch I just couldn't wear it on my left hand. It IRKS me out. *shudder*  I didn't even wear rings or bracelets on my left hand growing up. I seriously thought I would NEVER be able to wear wedding rings. Lucky for my husband I got through it and rarely take my rings off ever now.

I hate board games. I rarely play them. The kids have to wait for The Mr to come home and play. I will play UNO. Scrabble is acceptable (for me not with the kids) Cranium is fun but most all other games are No No's. Yick. Board Games.

I talk during movies. Yes annoying I know. The poor Mr. I spend half the time saying what's happening, what about this, what about that. Do you think?? etc etc. Asking questions that I assume he knows the answer to (he knows everything right?) and he looks at me and says I don't know. Just watch the movie.

I love to sing... in the car that is.  I'm surprised the kids (Or the MR) haven't told me off yet. Oh yeah I Can't Sing but I do like to break it down in the car. A few weeks ago I was driving home late at night after a girls night. I do believe Bust a Move Young MC came on. Oh yeah. So there I am singing it out loud grooving away tapping the wheel, showing my moves. A van full of guys next to me thought it was hilarious! I aim to please! (you've seen The blind side? Thats what I'm talking about...  minus the car crash :)

I'm such a sheltered princess. I went from living at home with 6 people to being married at 20. I've always been surrounded by people and find it hard when the Mr has to go out of town! There isnt much I've accomplished on my own and usually I get to share everything with the Mr. I was thinking of joining him half way through his recent business trip when I realised I have never flown on my own!  so I was scared! ha.

I am always early (well nearly always) It's almost as bad as being late. Seriously. I am nearly half hour early to nearly everywhere I have to go. This means I spend ALOT of time sitting around doing nothing. Or sitting in the car, trying not to annoy people when I turn up to their house early. Nothing's worse than someone catching you in a complete mess because they arrived EARLY right?

I love sour cream and could eat it on almost anything. This was my soup a few weeks ago. Look the sour cream loves me back too!!

 I find heart shaped things everywhere! Mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, leaves, rocks etc.
Feel the love!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rent a Crowd

We had a stake primary talent show.

I had briefly heard mention of it. very briefly.

The week before I got called asking if my daughter A was still going to be playing My saviour loves me on the piano.


Um she can't play the piano. she's still on one hand slow torture moves.

Yes she was having lessons. But our piano teacher had a baby and moved away 3 months ago.

She hasn't practiced in about 5 months.

So the answer would be  no.

The day before the talent show I am rung again to ask if my daughter K is still going to give a demonstration in front of everyone on how to draw.

What??? Umm no.

She was going to bring some of her artwork/sewing to stick on a wall as that is about her only (visible) talent. She's a little shy er than A and would never get up in front of everyone.

Holy Moly.  We don't have any talents. Ok people.

On the way there A is insisting that she wants to get up and do something.

I said, you didn't practice anything.
You COULD have got up IF you had chosen and practiced something.

She wanted to sing. I was like what song?

I'll just make one up.

I said no it has to be a song you have practiced.

She was like I make up songs and sing them everyday

So we had a nice discussion on how there needs to be some people in the audience.

If we were all on the stage who would be watching?

The girls liked that.

We can be the best cheerers ever. We can listen and watch they said.

A pipes up.

That's a talent mum!

And so we have discovered what might be our talent.

Being an audience.

Except. They weren't very good at that either.

3/4 way through their attention span was over.

Oh well. there will be plenty of opportunities to practice this one!

Monday, October 18, 2010


The real red faced make up free me.

Reading comments in blogs is very dangerous. I always love the ones over at cjane . I also enjoy the comments in free range kids . I spend time scrolling through the hundreds of comments.

However sometimes they weigh on me. As the ones at cjane have lately. I've mentally penned many a comment in my head. One night I couldn't sleep thinking about it.

I have found one of the hardest things of being me :  a mormon or member of
The church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints  is:

trying not to judge others
or trying not to come off as judgemental or holier than thou

I like to think i'm a fairly open minded person. I help people of all nations, rich and poor. I'm friendly to the miriade of people from all nations at the girls school. I've let scores of strangers stay in my home. I've helped immigrants, chatted to the homeless who live at the local park, I hope if anyone were to ask anything of me I would be able to give it.

However I think when you live your life to a certain standard  (ie  I don't drink alcohol, smoke, swear, participate in any illegal activities, I believe in marriage between a man and woman, abstain from premarital sex and once married - fiedelity with marriage, give money to charity, keep the sabbath day holy which includes no shopping or extra curricular activities on sundays, dress modestly, serve others, I place an importance on motherhood and raising children and trying to be a good wife.

it can be hard not to think:

 If I  (who is flawed and makes mistakes)  can do it, surely you can to!

This is the crux of the problem when people may feel I or those of my religion take a holier than thou stance. This is one thing I have to deal with in life. Giving love freely without judgement.

Yes I might be able to do the above things described. Others may not.
Others may even purposely choose to not.

And thats ok.

 I won't change my beliefs but hopefully I can change the way others feel about me.

Charity is the pure love of Christ and one of the hardest things to achieve in life I believe.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Foody Friday

Some simple go to recipes.

I made this this week due to all the tomatoes I had from a Wholesale Market run. 6 families get together to purchase bulk fruit and veg. Very economical but you sometimes have an abundance of certain things you need to use.

I love this pasta sauce recipe and use whenever I have abundant tomatoes. It isn't very economical to make when tomatoes are expensive, so I save it for when they are cheap and I have too many.

I can't find the original recipe I think it might have been from a food ideas magazine or similar.

Diced tomatoes (around 1kg worth) but more or less is fine
Generous splashes of olive oil
basil or oregano
A dash of sugar (the secret ingredient in pasta sauce)
salt to taste

Basically simmer until breaks down/softens.

Serve over pasta. Add cheese

I love this as it is: vegetarian. My kids will eat it. I love that it tastes light and 'spring' like - very different to jar sauces I usually use in cooking. I've also made it minus onion and garlic, its very versatile, you could also add other vegetables.

And now to share my Friday Night ritual.

I make pizza most friday nights. We've tried everything on it but lately its been plain mozzarella.

I use this pizza dough recipe  Its the best one! I get about 2 thin crust pizza's out of that recipe. I add a little more flour so I can get 3 pizza's. Thats *usually* enough for us :) My trick is that I roll the dough out on the pizza tray and pre cook it (plain without toppings) for about 5-10 mins. When it is looking a little golden I spread tomato paste on and sprinkle Mozzerella cheese over and cook.


When we don't do little athletics we do Friday Night Movie and Pizza Night. Religiously.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mothering is a career.

We finally got to ride to school today. The rain gave us a reprieve.

I was biking along with my little girlies alone. This equals Thinking time. Don't have to watch for the older ones.

I was happy. So happy.

Sometimes I think it won't be like this forever. So enjoy it.

But then I often question if I am wasting my time here.

Should I get a job, do another degree, what career shall I choose, I mean I love my kids, but I don't always LIKE them.. it would be wonderful to get away from them occassionally, a job would be good for that, would G learn more in someone elses care now she is 4, save up for a overseas holiday, expand my mind, would it be ok to put the kids in afterschool care, how would I EVEN balance a job with looking after this lot and still continue to cook nutritious delicious meals and clean and do fun things with the girls.. Is it ok to want to be forever settled in HOME DUTIES  and NOT in paid work? Is that what I even want? (I think it is, but that would make me sound lazy??) Surely I will want to break out of the house eventually, best to have a plan, shall I find somewhere to volunteer? Where, who etc?.....this list goes on and on.

Not to mention getting a job for the money factor. Buying a house would be a *good* thing.

All this was scrolling through my mind and when we arrived my shoeless cherubs one with a dirty tutu on with a equally dirty face I thought :

I don't need the money. But I do need them.

I've been fairly kind to myself the last year. I've basically taken a year off. I don't go as many places, I don't do as much. I said "I'm having a year off to focus on this baby, and basically sit around and do nothing if I wish."

And its been a great year.

I do believe I have accomplished this goal. What a great goal to set for the year! I've succeeded in something!

Next year I'll have to climb back on the horse. (and get off the internet)

The year after that I'll think career. suggestions?

Mothering is a career. One that never ends.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kerbside Photos

A fellow neighbourhooder saw me taking photos of the girls and asked if I wanted to jump in. How nice!!

Are your children like mine? They just don't like to be photographed together? Well it's not that they dont want. They just can't. They can do separately if they are in the mood.. fine. A nice photo of them all together? Impossible. The older ones spend too much time worrying that the younger ones are looking at the camera that then they are turning away, have distorted faces etc. If only they would just worry about themselves. Then the younger just can't sit still long enough.

It's kerbside collection week here. There is junk everywhere. I saw many a funky couch and wooden chairs I wanted to use for photography props. However you gotta beat the junk collectors. You can put something out and half hour later its gone. My neighbour put out an old wingback chair. I wanted to take photos of the girls on it. But it was gone by the time they came back from school.

So this afternoons non tv activity? Walking the streets and taking photos of ourselves with other peoples kerbside junk. How FUN I hear you say!!! lol. It's been months since I've gotten a photo of all four girls together.

It's also Jacaranda Season here. I *love* jacaranda's. So beautiful. I always want to get a family photo with these in the background. This attempt will have to suffice for now.

Any tips on family portraits????

Maybe I'll put the kids out for kerbside collection ;)

G yelled out when seeing this couch... OOOOOhhhhhh Pink! My favourite colour! (it isn't by the way) but  who can resist a pink velour couch? Not I.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rain is falling on my head

Two weeks ago I was riding the bike . It was a cloudy rainy day, but it looked like it had cleared up enough for me to ride the bike trailer to pick up grocerys then continue on to pick up A from a birthday party.

I went into the shops fine weather come out and it is pouring rain no end in sight.

So I man up and decided to ride the groceries home and get the car to get A

I got wet. Soaking Wet.

At first I was thinking. Oh man. Why didn't I drive!

Then as I peddaled along in the pouring rain I thought, this is kinda fun.

Soaking wet, riding along, laughing at myself.
{All I needed was the Mr and a 'spiderman in the rain type kiss' whats with movies and kissing in the rain???}

I tried to remember the last time I got stuck in the rain without a car or umbrella.

I couldn't remember.

Years. Maybe 5. Maybe 10. Maybe 15?

I thought to myself enjoy. This doesn't happen often.

Why do we dislike rain so much? Maybe because it rarely rains in Australia.

Last year when it was raining alot my girls were the only ones after school (in the school yard) running in the rain.

Squealing, splashing, running, jumping.

G loves to splash in puddles and had totally destroyed her clothes. They were soaked and loved it.

All other kids were skirting the buildings desperately trying not to get wet. Mothers were telling kids off who were. I was kinda embarrassed. My children are wild. But I thought then it doesn't rain often, so let them enjoy.

So this week as the rain falls and falls and falls. We shall love it. We shall make leaf/bottlecap boats and send them down the gutter and down the drain. We shall dance in the rain. We shall get wet.

What rainy day activities do you do? Suggestions??

Friday, October 8, 2010

Foody Friday - CaKePoPs

So last week I finally made some Cake Pops


Like 2 years after the fact.

I've been following bakerella for about that long and drooling over cake pops for just as long.

I just knew that they were beyond my capabilities... that and I never had any lollypop sticks.

My first batch of CakePops were utter fail.

Cracked balls that fell off the stick, chocolate all over my fingers, rubbed on my face in exasperation, messy kitchen, lollypop sticks that wouldn't stay in the styrofoam, A BIG FAT MESS!

However attempt number two went very well.  thankyouverymuch.

So my advice if your first lot of Pops don't work? Try Again.

I found this Video Tutorial by bakerella helpful. Lots of good hints there.

Friend and sister left me some advice after my fail.

Cracked balls = not enough cream cheese/icing mixture

Balls falling off sticks = Not in freezer for long enough

Chocolate Mess = Don't be cheap with the chocolate
(I only had one bag of chocolate and was trying to make it go further.)

Now, I know I will NEVER be able to make the themed/decorated balls that bakerella makes. I had enough trouble with plain pops covered in sprinkles!

However One cake makes a lot of balls. I love the novelty of them and they TASTE great!

When you get tired of using lollypop sticks.... make truffles in small paper liners.

These were ALOT easier than cakepops. I actually made more of these than pops. Pops are cute but are kinda hard to transport. I was making my pops for a girls night elsewhere and had to carry them. These are just cake balls dropped into chocolate that I used a spoon to scoop out. Place in paper liners. Drizzle some opposite colour chocolate on them for effect.

Now that I know how to make the elusive CakePOP, and make a lot of them. I may try again!

Just give me some time to recover.

Here is Bakerella's Basic Cake Pop Recipe
Using all the tips on her site and video tutorial this is what I did.

I cooked a packet mix cake. I did chocolate.

Crumb cake and mix in frosting. I used cream cheese and icing sugar mixed together. You can use icing, cream cheese, bought betty crocker icing, whatever you want.

Grab spoonfuls and roll into balls

Place balls in freezer for a while.

Dip lollypop stick in chocolate and insert into ball still on tray (so will be upside down)

Place balls (with sticks sticking out) back into freezer for a little while.

Melt chocolate into a small yet tall container. This will stop chocolate wastage and give you something you can dip the pops into. The pop should be totally inserted into the chocolate, so the chocolate needs to be quite deep.

Tap off excess chocolate, cover in sprinkles or like

 Let pop dry by inserting into  styrofoam or florist foam.

Then you enjoy xx

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Night Time Fun

(once again... doing nothing works)

Tonight as I was shutting the doors and getting ready for 'lockdown'
K and A ran outside with the lightsabers.

I internally groaned and asked them to come inside.

Then I decided, no, we should spend some time having fun outside in the dark.

I grabbed a dining chair and set it out on the footpath and proceeded to watch the girls in their PJ's run up and down the street playing secret agents and swashbuckling around with lightsabers.

N spent the whole time opening and closing the gate (opening and shuting doors is a favourite activity of hers)

Tonight was an accomplishment for me. Remember this post?

However I was able to do it because its been on my mind lately. The fact that I want to do more with my kids. More things away from tv, computers and the inside of the house. Out of the ordinary things. Fun things. Thinking outside the box things. Creating Memories things.

I often feel guilty when my neighbour takes my older girls for walks. She's always walking, riding, down to the river, taking the dog for a walk. She walks several times a day. And encourages my kids to go with her. The guilt I feel over not being a dog walking, running, bike riding, exercising athlete and not expecting my kids to do the same!

Her and her daughter often walk around the neighbourhood in the evenings around 8pm.

I really like the idea of it, but honestly I'm not gonna bundle up four kids to stroll around the block when they should be in bed. I really dont like it when I have desires that I wish I did, but in reality cant or wont. Because an evening stroll sounds like a wonderful thing.

However I live for bed time (the kids bedtime that is ;)

I'm glad that we might have started a little 'night time fun time' esp as the weather is warming up here.

Me playing with the sabers. Shame we don't celebrate Halloween. This is frightful!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In sickness and in health

I have been to the doctors or hospital more times in the last few months, than I have ever in my 9 year parenting career put together (which probably isnt much but still it is annoying!)

It's plain redonkulus.

Maybe we are lucky that we rarely get sick.  I mean like never. I think I have missed church about 5 times in my entire life. The kids report card usually says they have had like one day off (apart from when we wag to go camping or away)

I like to think it's that dirt theory . You know the one that says kids who play in the dirt and parents don't clean too much have better immune  systems etc.

Thats how I defend my lifestyle = look it works.. the kids are rarely sick!

(not that I really believe that. Its a mixture of good genes, good health, good food etc. My siblings and I were rarely sick  growing up)

Enduring sickness has the ability to make one stronger. I don't know what I would do if I had to live like this constantly. My mind this week has turned to those who do have to suffer through illness or disease. It's hard. I've had 5 days of no sleep. A baby that only wanted to be held. And cry alot.

I've learnt that I can make dinner using one arm.
I've had to rely on my girls to help me more.
Mess? Oh well I'll have to ignore it.
Everything else comes to a grinding holt while we just sit in snot covered clothes.

I can do hard things.

I am grateful for health. And grateful for medicine. Antibiotics.. how I love thee!

I am grateful for sickness to teach me these things.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hot under the collar

I married a white collar worker.
You know smooth hands, pale skin , sitting- in- a- chair- all- day- physique, nerd.

Then one day he comes home with a hard hat and steel toe boots.

Ummmm why?

I laugh at them being left at the foot of the bed.

It's like a change - Who stole my nerd?

I was having this conversation at the school pick up line. I chat with a stay at home dad of four who is a retired builder. He said "hey whats wrong with blue collar!! (taking offense teasing me)

I said 'nothing' of course. I'm not making fun.

Blue collar worker coming home to me Boots, vest and hard hat at the end of long days.

Change can be fun. *wink*

(he's still doing the same job, but now is often fitting out new still being built office buildings)

Monday, October 4, 2010


Is the glass half full or half empty?

I know that I often don't drink the end of my drink.

Its weird.

Or sometimes I buy a can of drink only to be fine after a few sips.

I'll let the kids drink the last of the milk and secretly open the new one for me.

I noticed recently because at the end of the day I emptied a quite a few cups into the sink.

The last gulp or two left behind.

Yeah I also get a fresh cup each time.

Naughty Naughty.

Is there some secret psychobabble I could say about myself?

Or just another reason why we are always in such a mess around here?

I know there are only two glasses above, but there was probably a glass next to the computer and a glass on the bench also.
and those mugs are for the girls morning milo... not mine.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

Friday, October 1, 2010

All for One, One for all.

the girls plus neighbour

The lastest craze here is Musketeers.

Apparently the girls watched Barbie Three Musketeers at the neighbours.

The last few days has been all 'En Garde' and 'All for one and one for all'

They made their own masks out of paper. When I was at the shop we found these masks.

Then I remembered these newspaper swords  found at Filth Wizardry.

Next thing I'm a sword making factory! The girls decorated the circular parts.

Theres been lots of jousting and forward lunging. Crosses drawn on the ground.

Lucky it's just newspaper.

And if you're getting bored of craft posts... rest assured.... the holidays are OVER!!
(happy dance! - not really we had a fantastic holidays despite the rain and not accomplishing half the things we wanted to do, I'll be a little ( I said little) sad to let them go back to school.)