We have received many presents over the years - chopsticks, games for the kids from different countries, food, expensive alcohol (!! whoops), pillow cases, stamps, gift photo books about countries, scarf, 3 sets of Kimonos, T shirts from students country, and the ever famous Japanese cookies/biscuits (each town in Japan has it's own cookie type treat) which are boxed soooo nicely... I have a metal tin from the north island of Japan Hokkaido which is just gorgeous.
I was thinking about this today as it is getting cold here I was wearing my beautiful silk scarf from Thailand given to me by a previous student. It reminded me to be grateful that this forced position I am in ( homestay for financial reasons)has benefits and my children have gifts from all over the world.

I still know you are the best homestay mum ever and deserve to be showered with expensive things!!
Great post. I love being a homestay mum. Is that the same as a stay at home mom? I am guessing it is. Just checking. My friend calls me a sahm. There are so many blessing when you stay at home with your kids. Love all your gifts. Thanks for sharing. M
not quite mechelle.. I am paid $200 a week to have international students live with me... i get to look after students from 16 - 30 years old from all over the world.
OH! Silly me! But if I did not ask, I would not know! Thanks for the education. Sounds like fun. $200.00 a week is good pay and you don't have to leave your kids. ;0)
We did the plastic cup flowers today. It was fun. Thanks for the post. m
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