Here are our cupcakes in celebration of that. And the fact that we have all the neighbourhood kids here and there is a lot of Kungfuing going on...
By the way.. I don't really think the movie is suitable for kids under 5 at all... my 5 year old got a little scared in it - and of course it is WAY too violent and a little dark.. buy hey that's what I get for not reading reviews - and that as my kids only go to the movies on the holidays once... it was the only option - anyway just putting it out there for you all... the trailers (that are always funny and light hearted) are never like the movies
I feel sorry for anyone with sons after this movie - watch out people - ER room coming your way from Kung Fu manoeuvers gone wrong!! But it's all fun isn't it?? Learning in action - I hope it is for my girls are outside talking master this master that, Kungfu, HaaaYa.... I am panda, you are snake, you are crane etc etc
Those cupcakes are so very cute. I heard that the movie was really funny. I had no idea about the side of it. Thanks for sharing that tidbit.
We have not seen the movie. I will check it out. Sweet cupcakes! Fun.M
Great cupcake ideas -- and I'm pleased to hear your opinion of the movie, as I have a three-year-old boy, and might otherwise have considered taking him. I do think kids movies are generally too scary for little ones -- my baby so easily has nightmares.
Hi Bobbie,
thanks for the heads up about the movie! We have enough kung-fu here without more inspiration! The kids haven't mentioned the movie, and now I know not to suggest it myself!
We (I) want to see Prince Caspian, because we love the CS Lewis books, and the Wardrobe movie. I was going to avoid that one at the cinema too, because it is dark and loud and so intense. Much better on the small screen at home to avoid getting scared!
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