Yesterday we spent the afternoon down by the river with some friends for lunch.... now there is a fabled possum hole in a tree there (thanks for the info Karen!) and I have checked it once before... but nothing.....
I told the kids to go and check it again yesterday and you should have heard the excited squeals!! The children left some fruit in the hole for the possums... yes possums!! The mumma possum now has a baby... it was so cute.... as possums are nocternal the mum was trying her hardest to sleep while the baby poked its head in and out and munched on our rockmelon!!
That is really cute Bobbie.
If they are in trees or out in the open, they are vey very cute!!
how fun!
Hi Bobby, I am Janell's cousin and Mechelle's sister. They adore her and so I HAD to come and "meet" you!
I can just relate too well to that poor little mommy possum trying to sleep. BUT OOHH how cute! A memory never to be forgotten!
I just left a comment and can not find it. Wonder what I did?
I am Frump's cousin and Mechelle's sister and they just love you! So I had to come and "meet" you.
I can just relate too well to that poor mommy possum trying to sleep. But OOHH so cute! A memory for you all, never to be forgotten!
If this comes up 3 times, please take pity upon my computer incompetence! Not sure what I am doing wrong!
I am Frump's cousin and Mechelle's sister and they just love you. I had to come and "meet" you.
I can relate a little too well to the poor mommy possum. But OOHH so cute! A memory for you all to never be forgotten!
OK, I just noticed that my comments will not appear until they are approved. Sorry to be so dense! Please don't feel obligated to post them all, one is more than sufficient; if it passes approval that is:)
By the way, very cool feature. I need to check that out!
How cute - so glad they were able to see him and feed him. You call that rockmelon - we call that cantelope - HA!
I'm Kellan, btw - nice to meet you - see you soon.
They do look like rocks. Make sense! Is that the name everyone calls it there?
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