I publicly wrote here that I probably wouldn't be doing elf on the shelf.
even though I really wanted to...
But wasn't going to for many reasons (we don't do Santa or elves watching anyone/behaviour monitoring, the time, the mess, the DAILY TIME!) even though I thought it was cute.
Well happy to report that since I found a mega cheap elf (not a proper elf on shelf brand) I thought this year I will give it a go. Since my kids are much older than the target group I thought I would get my older girls to do it for my younger (hmmm that lasted a couple days) as a special seasonal treat to get them all in the spirit and to get the olders giving a bit of sweet service to their little sisters.
I may have been cursing myself when on the VERY FIRST DAY... YES THE 1st DEC!
when we were out very late at a school function, coming home at 10pm and I think oh my goodness I have to do the elf!! And the first day needs to be good, my kids have no idea about the elf....the darn elf.. I was definitely regretting it already. ON THE FIRST DAY!
Then when the kids came out the next morning they shrugged, walked by and said
Mum... thats really creepy... He's ugly.
I think I may have almost wept.
But I kept on and after a few days they loved it. They wanted to help place him - they did a few times but I did do most of it. They were interested in where will he be tomorrow... and by the end of December they said 'but we don't want Pepermint to leave!!!!!!!' and even had a few sads as they saw me put him away with all the Christmas decorations that get shoved in the roof for storage.
Since my kids are older now I think it provided a fun little daily seasonal outlet that gave them a bit of joy in the season. I am a little worried that it could become traditional then you would be stuck doing it forever (it is a bit of a job in an already busy time) but for this year I was glad we gave it a try.
Here is what our Peppermint got up to this season at our house:

Will Peppermint return next year?