Is anyone else like me? (probably not you all say ;) But there is me.. and there is the Dream Me - Dream me is sporty, likes to run, hikes and bikes with her kids in tow, climbs mountains, surfs, a general all round fun, sporty family..
and then there is reality :) HA HA HA HA
I always say that while you wait the 6 years or so it takes for your children to be able to bike ride with you and be all active and keep up - whoops you had 6 years or so to decline.. Just as your kids need you to be climbing a mountain for YW or YM... too late you've let yourself go :)
My lovely husband and I are on a couch to 5km running program.
This is me on the couch (tv remote in hand and all)
(*old photo, for visual purposes)This is the 5k me (well one day)
(professional runners please dont comment on my incorrect footwear - these are the closest I have to runners)Outline is this
Each weekly challenge needs to be done 3-4 times a week
Week 1 - Walk 6 minutes, jog 1 minute x 3
Week 2 - Walk 5 minutes, jog 2 minutes x 3
Week 3 - Walk 3 minutes, jog 4 minutes x 3
Week 4 - Walk 2 minutes, jog 5 minutes x 3
Week 5 - Walk 2 minutes, jog 8 minutes x 3
Week 6 - Walk 2 minutes, jog 9 minutes x 3
Week 7 - Walk 1 minute, jog 11 minutes x 3
Week 8 - Walk 5 minutes, jog 20 minutes
Here is a sticker chart the MR made - well if it works for the kids....

Currently I am up to the 4 minute mark.. but I get a side stitch around 3 mins and basically am dying by 4 minutes so we will see if I can make it to running for 20 mins ;) So far I am pretty happy with progress and it is gentle in the incriments that I havent even had sore muscles or anything. And My MR and I have both lost a little weight!!!
I might need some coaching in the running posture though.. I think I am a huge UNCO when I run.. so if you see me running please don't laugh :)
Here are some running programs I found on the net.
Get Started with running Couch to 5k (not the one we are doing)