This is what I spent my Boxing Day doing - FINDING HOMES FOR ALL THE STUFF!! And this isn't all of it. My children are so spoilt by their large extended family!! They got so much!!
And for those who don't know what Boxing day is (I was once asked by an american friend "Is there like Boxing championships on the day after Christmas??")
Wiki Boxing Day Definition
But basically traditionally in England it was a day when the rich boxed up their Christmas Leftovers and gave it to the poor. That doesnt happen now, it is just an extra public holiday that makes Christmas go longer. Perfect for visiting all that extended family and stretching out Christmas or for going to the Boxing Day Sales! I have never been but many people do go shopping on Boxing Day!
And the day we learn all our favourite gifts!!
Girls most anticipated excited for
(previously Bindi's- You know those little craft beads that you make into shapes and spray with water and they stick together)
These turned out to be the MOST ANNOYING gift for the parents. The box says for over 4 years old, but the beads rolled away, the pictures that you copy don't sit in the holes, your fingers have some disgusting taste on them after - so dont lick your fingers accidentally, fights happened, tears etc.. and all by 8am!! The first thing they wanted to open!!
Most worn gift
New Swimmers
Grandma's Apron - The 2 year old spent half an hour saying she want a bee quuuu... looking in the rooms ( I had never heard her say this word, I am thinking what is a beequuu??... )so I helped her and gave up saying "I don't know what you are talking about" and she was so sad.. Daddy finally figured out she wanted to wear her apron!! her BBQ.. just like Daddy was wearing his!!! So that was very funny.
Most Watched
Sleeping Beauty DVD
Planet Earth DVD series
Most excited mummy gift
I got Photoshop Elements!! watch out for more blog banners ;)
Most Used gift so far
Make up kit, sparkly nailpolish and lip gloss...
Most dragged around
Filly collectable mini horses... they have made many trips outside the house so far!
Gift that gives all year
We got two lots of movie tickets!! We will have lots of date nights this year ;)
It was so nice to see how your Christmas day went, especially as I didn't come down that way, the girls looked very happy too, how could you not be with all that good stuff. I was wondering if I might adopt myself over next year to have some girl time. I looooved the aprons, who is the extra point getting relative who made them? Just stunning. Thanx for the explanation of boxing day, Robbie was very interested in that. See you soon, will let you know when we are coming down. You are welcome any time up here, just call. We'd love to have you.
You literally made it boxing day Bobbie! Hope you enjoy the rest of the week and New Years celebrations too. Love Carli.
Oh! And I love your new banner! You made it yourself, huh? It's lovely.
Photoshop Elements...coooool! I'm a little envious. My laptop is sloooow and J tells me it just won't work on my computer (he has it on his computer). I've downloaded Picasa instead so hopefully all will workout.
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