Today's topic at
Chocolate on my Cranium is I am Grateful. Perfect timing for Thanksgiving in the US. Even though it isn't celebrated here, anytime is a good time for being thankful :)
One of the best journals I have ever had was Sarah Ban Breathnach's "The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude". It was pretty expensive for a book which is pretty much lined paper, but I really liked how each day was set out with 5 lines and each page had different quote for the week. My birthday is in January so I bought it as a gift to myself.
Now I have had my ups and downs with keeping a journal (some years good, most years terrible :) and journal entries more sporadic once I had children and started this blog :) well hey, this is my journal now :) But the aim of this one was to keep it short and simple, fill it in every day (I felt sad when I saw a date empty)and to think of something new each day to be grateful for. So if I did it for 365 days (miss a few) and I wrote 5 new things each day, I came up with 1825 things I was grateful for!! WOW.. that is an accomplishment.. but maybe not really for someone who likes to talk as much as I do :)

Well I won't bore you with a complete list :) but I decided to have a skim through and list some of the things I was grateful for in 2001 (the year I had the journal) (
ok so I am looking now and it is gonna be hard to choose only a few things... oh the memories :)colour (I had just painted my first baby's room), Afternoon nap, My sister made me laugh hard, my husbands smile made me melt, little brothers who mowed my lawn, my dad who builds me anything I ask, mangoes for breakfast, dancing with the MR in the loungeroom, Free hospitals for all my antenatal checkups, Sitting in a plastic blow up pool to keep cool in the heat
A random lady telling me that raising children is the best job ever, going out with my nanna - she spoils me so much, the MR calling me Angel, going to the library, Cheesecake, reading the Ensign, Eating lunch in the park with mum, The TEMPLE being approved for our area, people holding my newborn baby while I taught RS,driving the car after 6 weeks not allowed (because of emergency ceasarian), random strangers carrying my pram down the stairs at the train station (happened more than once, when I didn't have a car), MR C's Frozen Custard,
Emails from friends far away, windy days to dry my washing fast, a beautiful bright pink sunset, smell of Anzac biscuits baking, cosy rainy days, Seeing a friend before she left for Russia for her mission, LDS family expo- I learnt sooo much from the US speakers, Hot Chip Sandwiches, A blessing at 1am from my husband when I was sick, making M&M cookies, Miss K's one tooth smile, Picnics, dinner invites to friends, making sushi, the MR making dinner, A suprise stay at a fancy hotel, Fairy Lights, camping, The Atonement
and the list could go on and on.. thanks for sharing the journey.. and go get an old journal out and have a read...you never know what you will unearth :) I have enjoyed reading through mine.