Sunday, August 24, 2014
FHE Lesson {Fathers}
With two Mondays till Fathers Day - a lesson on fathers is nice to prepare children for the upcoming celebrations. We also use it as a time to plan what nice things we might do, visits to grandparents etc.
Opening Song: Fathers #209
Opening Prayer: Child
What is a father?
What day is coming up soon?
Why are Dads important?
What other fathers do we have in our lives?
Heavenly Father
Father of our ward {Bishop}
We see lots of examples of fathers in the scriptures too.
{Lehi, Alma, Joseph, Abraham, Mormon, Adam}
How do these 'other Fathers' help us in our lives?
{Go into as much depth as you wish discussing the fathers in our lives}
Let's remember to celebrate our fathers all year round and not just on Fathers Day.
Do this Fathers Day Questionaire
{and keep them and fill in a new one each year and see how the answers change }
Have small children draw a picture of them with Daddy.
Older kids can write down on a card/paper/journal things they love about their dad
Plan out some Daddy Daughter/Son Dates. Things they can go do with Just Daddy.
Give your grandfather or other 'fathers' in your life a phonecall or write a thank you to them telling them how much you are grateful for them in your life.
Watch this video about how awesome Dad's are.
Closing Song: The Dearest Names #208
Closing Prayer:
Treat: A favourite treat of Daddy's :)
Sunday, August 17, 2014
FHE Lesson {Home a Holy Place}
Opening Song: Here we are Together #261
Opening Prayer: Child

This lesson inspired from A Happy Home November 2009 Friend Magazine pg 25
Our homes should be one of the holiest places on earth. Just like the temple or church our homes should also be considered holy places. Do you consider our home a holy place?
There are many things that we can do to make our home holy and full of love.
What things make our house this way already?
What suggestions do you have to make our home more holy?
Print and Cut out the above house pieces here .
Alternatively draw your own house or make one out of lego.
As you draw or put together the above house read out sections of what can make a happy home.
Use the headings listed or create your own of what you think makes a happy home.
Jesus teaches when we serve others we are also serving Him. Serving in our family, shows we love eachother and want everyone to be happy. We will strengthen eachother and then we can help others. Service brings joy and gratitude and happiness into our lives and the lives of those we serve.
Sometimes it is hard to live in a family. Sometimes we are going to hurt or annoy eachother. Forgiving others and saying sorry when we do wrong is an important part of a happy home.
Having faith in Jesus Christ in an important gospel principal. Doing what is right and following the commandments will help us to have a holy home.
Houses need strong foundations to stay up and so does a family. We need to be kind and support one another. Loving and supporting the members in our family keeps us strong and able to withstand hard times.
Family Prayer can bring us closer together as we are united in talking to and thanking Heavenly Father for all our blessings. Having common things for us to pray for {family, the sick, challenges}unites our family.
Add more of your own eg
Scripture study:
Daily Scripture Study will help our family. We will be reminded of the words of Christ and Prophets. Scriptures can give us answers for daily problems we may face.
When we love eachother and know that Home is our safe happy place for all family members we will become a stronger happier family.
Looking after our home and working together creates a clean place. When things are in order our lives can run more smoothly and happily.
Spending time together creates a happy holy home. If we use our home as just a hotel we may be physically in the same place but not emotionally. We can be happier by choosing to spend our time in wholesome recreational activities together. Lets think of ways our family can spend better time together.
We are blessed to have the families and homes we have been given.
Lets find ways to make our home more holy and happy.
Making your home a holy place Funstuff Activity
Continue to play/ build homes out of blocks/lego
Closing Song: Families Can Be Together Forever #188
Closing Prayer: Child
Friday, August 15, 2014
EKKA 2014
Because it's tradition. Because they wait in anticipation. But mainly because of family.
Last year we made a little stop motion video of our trip to the Ekka which required me to take like a bajillion photos. This year I decided to enjoy the day and put the camera away.
Still got a few photos but it was nice to not worry.
Ekka Highlights from the family:
The fireworks show was pretty amazing. Probably the best I've ever seen.
Lasers, kites, fireworks coming off people. The works.
My Little pony showbag
Dr Showbag
Hamster like Water balls Ride
Unlimited Rides Band for my thrill seeker who tried EVERY RIDE.
Food. Lots of Food. "Only I come for the food mother"
Horse Heads.
The End. Tired and OUT OF MONEY.
Past blogs about our trips to the EKKA.
Last year we made a little stop motion video of our trip to the Ekka which required me to take like a bajillion photos. This year I decided to enjoy the day and put the camera away.
Still got a few photos but it was nice to not worry.
Ekka Highlights from the family:
The fireworks show was pretty amazing. Probably the best I've ever seen.
Lasers, kites, fireworks coming off people. The works.
My Little pony showbag
Dr Showbag
Hamster like Water balls Ride
Unlimited Rides Band for my thrill seeker who tried EVERY RIDE.
Food. Lots of Food. "Only I come for the food mother"
Horse Heads.
The End. Tired and OUT OF MONEY.
Past blogs about our trips to the EKKA.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
5 Years
Oh this girl just had the best birthday.
When questioned at Kindy if she would do something/wear something special for her birthday she told her teacher in an incredulous manner
'Umm wear my number 5 birthday shirt of course.. dah!'
When talking to the teacher about it I laughed and said yes my girls might not realise that its not a normal thing to wear a number shirt on your birthday. They probably think everyone does this.
She chose pancakes.
She got a million lalaloopsy dolls
a babyalive that licks an icecream,
a mini octonauts gup and
homemade my little pony masks
We had errands at the coast so she got a day at the beach, jumping on the jumping pillow and a cupcake (I'm terrible with providing birthday cakes as we put candles in our breakfast!)
We have not been to Southport Broadwater Parklands and it was awesome.
I loved lazing in the sun reading a book.
Taking one child somewhere for their birthday is a dream. So easy.
But could this be my last, one child, school day, birthday? *sniff*
She was so happy all day, saying this was the best birthday.
We had to make a no climbing on the roof under 5 rule a few years back for our more adventurous children. We were reminded by them that someone was turning 5. So that evening she got to go on the roof! What an age marker, what a funny tradition, what a coming of age ritual! Only in this family I tell you! She was very excited and has now asked me daily since if she can go on the roof!
And that is how one turns 5.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
FHE Lesson {Holy Ghost}
This lesson inspired by a wonderful Relief Society Lesson I attended today.
Opening Song: The Holy Ghost #105
Opening Prayer:
Give each child a button to put in their shoe.
{Move on to music time or family business/leave time between}
Do you remember what is in your shoe?
{You remember because it was given to you}
Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
If you kept it there for a week would you still know it is there?
You remember the button because you can always feel it, even if you can't see it.
The Holy Ghost is a gift given to us at baptism.
Even if we can't see him, we can always feel his influence in our lives if we invite him to.
Some times he will prod us to do right things
Write these headings on whiteboard/paper to stick up. Discuss points as necessary.
The mission of the Holy Ghost is to bear witness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and of all truth.
The Holy Ghost manifests the truth to honest people everywhere
Following Baptism the gift of the Holy Ghost is given by the laying on of hands
Through the Gift of the Holy Ghost, members of the church can have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion
The companionship of the Holy Ghost is available to those who prepare themselves to receive it
As we remain faithful the Holy Ghost will give us revelations to lead and direct us throughout our lives.
Discuss times in your life you have felt the Holy Ghost guide you.
Closing Prayer:
Closing Song: The still small voice #106
Other Holy Ghost Lessons:
Holy Ghost
Baptismal Gifts
Opening Song: The Holy Ghost #105
Opening Prayer:
Give each child a button to put in their shoe.
{Move on to music time or family business/leave time between}
Do you remember what is in your shoe?
{You remember because it was given to you}
Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
If you kept it there for a week would you still know it is there?
You remember the button because you can always feel it, even if you can't see it.
The Holy Ghost is a gift given to us at baptism.
Even if we can't see him, we can always feel his influence in our lives if we invite him to.
Some times he will prod us to do right things
Write these headings on whiteboard/paper to stick up. Discuss points as necessary.
The mission of the Holy Ghost is to bear witness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and of all truth.
The Holy Ghost manifests the truth to honest people everywhere
Following Baptism the gift of the Holy Ghost is given by the laying on of hands
Through the Gift of the Holy Ghost, members of the church can have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion
The companionship of the Holy Ghost is available to those who prepare themselves to receive it
As we remain faithful the Holy Ghost will give us revelations to lead and direct us throughout our lives.
Discuss times in your life you have felt the Holy Ghost guide you.
Closing Prayer:
Closing Song: The still small voice #106
Other Holy Ghost Lessons:
Holy Ghost
Baptismal Gifts
Monday, August 4, 2014
My Little Pony Party
Since discovering My little Pony stuff via youtube Miss N has been obsessed.
Every day watching episodes and pony songs and who knows what.
So it was a tough decision between a pony party or a la la loopsy one {her other great love}
She assures me that next year she would like the Lucy Party {her name for lala loopsies}
It's been a busy time here and she's had a bunch of her friends move overseas so this was a very low key party.
It only took a few elements and she was happy.
Even after seeing me google ideas she realised you could actually look at Pony parties online.
She would say 'mum look me up pony parties to look at.'
I reminded her that mummy can't do most of those things but she was cool just to look and not have high expectations {PHEW!}
We looked at amazing cakes and I pointed her in the direction of
Mummy can do those ones.... {round cakes with plastic ponies on top :)
For those interested here are the elements for a easy pony party at home:
Pin the Tail on the Pony
Lucky we have a resident artist in the house who whipped up a pinky pie per N's request.
Miss K free hand drew us one in minutes.
Glad I didn't have to draw it {I would have printed/traced one}
Diamond Piñata
We love piñata's but I have a personal dislike for kids bashing to smithereens anything that resembles animal or human. We try to make only inanimate objects. So of course we could not bash a pony piñata. Since each pony has a special Cutie Mark we decided to go with one of them. At first it was to be an apple but my cardboard box wasn't big enough so we settled on a diamond - Rarity's Cutie Mark. The diamond was so easy and came together super quick. I still really do want to make an apple piñata though - back to school party anyone?? The diamond wasn't as strong as my last piñata { Disco Ball } which took about 100 hits to break. This one was done in about 12 hits, so extra reinforcing with tape will be necessary next time. Or perhaps it was because we used a hockey stick to hit with?
Felt Pony Masks
I saw a unicorn mask via pinterest and it look fairly easy and I thought it would be great to make some masks of all the pony's. These were easy once I worked out my pattern. My first one was a disgrace and very creepy looking. Each one got easier and easier and could be whipped up in minutes as compared to the first two that took longer. Miss N loves them and the kids have worn them all week. I think the eyes do make them look a bit creepy though :)
Cutie Mark Facepainting
Facepainting isn't my forte and Miss A loves to do it. Had to keep it simple.
On offer was the Pony's Cutie Marks with facepainting crayons.
~ Balloons, Butterflies, Diamonds, apples. Easy.
Pony and Rainbows Cake
I'm all for easy cakes. There would be NO cakes otherwise. Thankfully google came out trumps and handed me this idea. I had also marked this pin from pinterest. Easy Cakes for the win.
It was a super simple party with just two other families invited. Between us all that was 10 kids!
Regardless that a couple of her best friends have moved lately she was just thrilled with this and I am glad it all worked out.
Our family is done for birthdays for the year now! Yay! Now to think of ideas for next year...
Apparently its La La Loopsy....
Sunday, August 3, 2014
FHE Lesson {Challenges}
This lesson inspired by Challenges Help us Grow March 2014 Friend Magazine pg 2-3
Opening Song: Teach Me to Walk in the Light #177
Opening Prayer: Child
Play guess who I am from the scriptures:
Opening Song: Teach Me to Walk in the Light #177
Opening Prayer: Child
Play guess who I am from the scriptures:
If you ever feel sad or left out, you are not alone! Solve these riddles to learn how some scripture heroes handled hard times.
My brothers took my coloured coat
And sold me as a slave.
With faith I solved the Pharaoh’s dreams;
From famine all were saved.
Who am I? ________________________________
When men were few and spirits weak,
I raised the banner high.
My troops then won their battles
Once they knew the reason why.
Who am I? ________________________________
High on a wall I prophesied
The Saviour soon would come.
The angry mob shot arrows, but
No harm to me was done.
Who am I? ________________________________
Tremendous floods destroyed the earth,
For no one had prepared.
But we and all the animals
Inside the ark were spared.
Who am I? ________________________________
Although at risk to lose my life,
My people mattered more.
With bravery I asked the king
To save those I cared for.
Who am I? ________________________________
Obeying God gave me great power
Time and time again—
Before the king, at home, and even
In the lion’s den.
Who am I? ________________________________
Answers: Joseph, Captain Moroni, Samuel the Lamanite, Noah, Esther, Daniel
Sometimes things in life can be tough.
It can be comforting to know that even prophets from the scriptures and Jesus had challenges.
Have you ever had a bad day/time in life?
What can we do when times are hard?
show this picture or make up your own list of things we can do when we are having a bad day
{eg Tell someone about it, Talk with an adult, write in journal, sing a primary song, say a prayer, do something that makes you happy, go for a walk, read scriptures etc}
Sometimes we will be able to fix the problems that pop up in life, other times we won't be able.
These might be some ways to help us cope.
How can difficult circumstances sometimes work for our benefit?
{it can make us stronger, braver, draw closer to our family, help us to rely on the Lord, show us what we are capable of}
Testify that even though we all will pass through difficult times, comfort and healing can be found within our families, through the Holy Ghost, and the Atonement of Christ.
Closing Song: I need my Heavenly Father #18
Closing Prayer: Child
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