This lesson based on a favourite talk Spirit of Revelation April 2011 General Conference
Opening Song: Search Ponder and Pray #109
Opening Prayer:
Watch this 2 min video Patterns of Light by Elder Bednar {Part 3 of 3}
Revelation is communication from God to his children on earth.
We can all have this illumination to guide us all through life.
What is revelation and how do we get it?
You are entitled to revelation for your life,
mum and dad for this family,
the Bishop for the ward,
the Prophet for the church.
Would you like to receive revelation to guide you in your life?
Have some pictures/draw/ object lesson for the following:
Light Switch {turn light on and off}
Some revelation from God is like a light switch.
Quick, Sudden, Darkness gone immediately, we can see clearly instantly.
This can and does happen in our lives but is often the more rare kind.
Revelation like a sunrise is gradual, you can see the light is coming but you still may be in dark, the light rises slowly over the horizon. This type of Revelation is more common.
Revelation is often like a fog. You know there is light, you know you are not in the dark. However you can't see far ahead. You can only see ahead a few steps. However your path/decisions can light up for those few steps. As you carry on, the next few steps are illuminated and the light always follows.
Have you had revelation/an answer to your prayers in your life?
Was it like these examples above? Which one?
How can we continue to have revelation in our lives?
Closing Song: I Pray in Faith #14
Closing Prayer: Child
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
Happy Valentines
Since we will be out celebrating a birthday tomorrow and not Valentines.....
We took these previously.
Miss A got a camera and tripod for Christmas.
Still trying to work out how to use the camera for best photos
but oh self timers are so much fun.
As are heart shaped balloons.
Happy Valentines Day!
We swear we do have a man in the house... he's just absent when we do all the fun things :)
Sunday, February 8, 2015
FHE Lesson {Helping Hands}
Opening Song: I'm trying to be like Jesus #78
Opening Prayer: Child

Lesson inspired by You are the Saviour's Hands January 2015 Friend Magazine
Some Love Songs:
Jesus Said Love Everyone #61
Where Love Is #138
Love One Another #136
Love is Spoken Here #190
If you choose, share the story of the statue of Christ without hands below:
For younger children just mention- Since Jesus is not physically here on the earth able to help every person WE must be his hands. If every person on earth chose to help others just as the saviour would, imagine how happy the world would be.
We want Love and Happiness for everyone.
What are some ways we can be Jesus's hands?
This year The Friend has issued the Give Us a Hand Challenge .
Children can trace around their hand and write on it what service they have done for others.
Even if you don't send a hand in, its a great idea to keep the hands around the house.
Trace around Child's Hand and cut out hand. {Also have extra handprints predone}
Have children think of a service they have done for another and write on the hands.
Fill out lots of handprints and stick on wall/fridge/poster
Try during the month of February to fill out as many hands as possible.
I help my teacher in class
I gave a hug to someone who was sad
I help my mum....
I gave to a charity
I share my toys and make everyone happy
I know that everyday we give service to people all around us.
We should remember what good things we do, and also strive to do more good things.
We should LOVE others by helping them.
Closing Song: Love One Another #136
Closing Prayer: Child
A story is told that during the bombing of a city in World War II, a large statue of Jesus Christ was severely damaged. When the townspeople found the statue among the rubble, they mourned because it had been a symbol of their faith and of God’s presence in their lives.
Experts were able to repair most of the statue, but its hands had been broken so badly that they could not be fixed. The people added on the base of the statue of Jesus Christ a sign with these words: "You are my hands."
When I think of the Savior, I often picture Him with hands outstretched, reaching out to comfort, heal, bless, and love. He loved the humble and the meek and walked among them, ministering to them and offering hope and salvation. This is what He would be doing if He were living among us today. It is what we should be doing as His disciples and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
As we extend our hands and hearts toward others in Christlike love, something wonderful happens to us. Our own spirits grow stronger. We become happier, more peaceful, and more open to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit.
Let us commit to become the Savior’s hands, that others through us may feel His loving embrace.
~ Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Heart Mobile
Saw this pin a friend pinned and immediately made it.
What's happened to me? I swear holidays bring it out in me.
It's been over two months since we/I have done any sort of craft.
I made it in about an hour and felt so happy.
The neighbour girl loved it too, maybe I'll make her one.
Wish I had better photography skills (or a camera) I promise its much cuter in real life.
How to make a stuffed heart mobile
Take 15 scraps of fabric
Cut a heart shape out of cardboard {I always use old cereal boxes}
Trace around heart on fabric making 2 hearts from each design
Cut out heart shape and place the two hearts together - RIGHT sides OUT
Sew around heart.
Do not sew all the way around!
Stop. Leave a little gap to put stuffing in.
Push stuffing in and continue sewing.
Sew heart shut.
Place hearts in desired order.
5 hearts in 3 rows
Using White embroidery floss {I used crotchet string}
Tie a knot and sew through heart from bottom to top.
Place a knot at the end and top of each heart to prevent them slipping.
Continue adding heart till you have 5 hearts on the string
Repeat 3 times.
Tie strings to a branch.
Attach string to both ends of branch
I used a mini 3M hook to hang my branch on the wall
Valentines Décor in my dining room.
Then perhaps off to the girls room.
Easy Bubble Ink Valentines
I was at a party once commenting on someone's food was they bought along.
Where did you get that idea I stated
They looked at me like... ummm your blog...
Oh really, can't remember that one!! Ha!
Something similar happened this week I was perusing my backlog's on valentines and came across this from 2009 - Can't remember ever doing that and I thought - what a good idea.
The kids were into it so we did it again. This is a VERY EASY craft. We don't have many art supplies so I love easy and CHEAP art ideas. This idea was basically FREE.
Place some pink or red food colouring, drop of detergent and a little water in a cup.
Using a straw blow bubbles.
Place paper on top of the bubbles. {the bubbles with burst quickly}
Blow more bubbles and repeat. {get the kids to do it}
You'll probably have to do it 10 times to fill a piece of A4 paper.
The result is so pretty and delicate. Almost like marbling.
Use hearts to write individual statements about what you love about the people you love and place in a jar or around the house. We will use some for Family Home Evening Lesson.
I love to sew paper, sew hearts together for garlands and hang over door ways
Make cards for those you love.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Valentines Felt Hearts
As we all know - in my house seasonal decorating is grabbing branches/twigs out of the garden shoving them in a vase and hanging stuff off them.
Because I'm cheap and minimalist like that.
Family Home Evening Lesson - Hanging our family hearts
I was unpacking last years felt hearts and they are still in perfect condition so thought I would reshare the how to. I also think I should make some more but smaller.
Felt Hearts Tutorial:
I had pinned these lovely white minimalist felt hearts to make at Christmas.
As I love to make personalised ornaments every year.
But alas as usual many things have to be left to the side undone.
As I was debating some Valentines décor....
A thought came... well why not those white hearts? Double Duty in Decorating...
and only 2 months late!
With kids back at school I sat down and made these in a morning.
Been a while since I've done some craft.
So if anyone wants to create similar here is how I made them.
Twill ribbon {I got mine spotlight $1.30 m I was upset they had no thin white though!}
letter stamps
ink pad
White felt
Thin ribbon or twine
Stamp names straight onto ribbon. Set aside to dry.
Cut a paper heart out in desired dimensions {I made 2 sizes}
Use as a template to cut around felt. 2 pieces needed to make each heart.
Sew twill ribbon name onto the middle of one heart
Place two hearts together, right sides out and sew along edges. At the top of the heart insert some ribbon or twine in a loop and sew over it as you go around.
Leave a little opening and stuff with a tiny bit of stuffing. Continue around heart and close up.
Easy! And there you have a felt heart softie to use for decorating, to attach to presents, to hang above your little ones beds, to be added to a valentines tree. Mine are hanging on the mantle at the moment but may be moved to a valentines tree {If I get around to making one}
The pink and red hearts also featured were purchased from Riot Art and craft ~ 12 for $3.95
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