One night I read until my eyes were blurry and I actually fell asleep (around letter G), but I was still thinking of names, so I thought I was still awake?? Well this baby wont be able to complain that I wasn't THOROUGH!!
Here I am all thoughtful like ;)

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Zanabelle Photography for a session)
I have been online to,, and I have 2 baby names books from the library
but alas so far not much is happening :( Why are there so many UGLY names out there!! and I have to sift through them
Most names on the last list have been scrapped for various reasons
I don't like it, he doesn't like it, I find it hard to use a name if someone else I know has that name (I definately have issues - like that is their identity), it doesnt suit our last name, too hard to prounouce, and of course "all the so and so(insert name here) named people I have met are crazy/trashy/weird etc".
Then there is the it must have a nice meaning behind the name. All the meanings of my girls names are very beautiful/nice. I read name meanings, it's important to me - Sorry but if Kamryn means 'crooked nose' I just can't do it... Portia? no sorry not if it means 'pig', Cecilia - blind, Brenda - fiery, Linda - serpent, Thera - wild, untamed one, Trista - melancholy (no offence intended to people with those names)
so I gave up and decided to focus on Middle names :)
Easy, as we have decided they will all have fairly regular middle names that come from Family History. Now I also have a rule on that too.. the girls arent named after any particular great grandmother or anything, because if you go back too far how am I to know that great great aunt so and so wasn't a crazy fruit cake??? and that I named my child after her!!
So in great wisdom we scour the family history records and looked for names we liked that appear more than once. Lucky for us on both sides is English ancestory so we have plenty of Elizabeth's, Sarah's, Anne's etc. Now if there happens to be atleast 10 or more Elizabeths atleast some of them had to have been lovely enough for my child to bear their name??? No?
So this baby will be an :
Oh but that is a new set of problems when the middle name doesnt match the first!! LOL Cant have Celeste Sarah - what if the kid has a lisp?? or an Elliana Eliza.. so the debates continue... and I am keeping secret on the so far winning middle name that the MR and I have decided upon.. you'll have to wait :)
Here is a new list of first names if anyone happens to be interested in my internal debate that I have about a month left to sort out :)
Amani (The MR says too pretentious cause of the brand)
Esther (pretty much scrapped, but I'll leave it for now)
Jemila (oh the nickname possiblities!! and it means beautiful)
Kenzie (Perfect my name and the MR's combined ;)
and it better not be a surprise BOY in there.... It will have to wait until I search all over again if it is !!