and I have to convince my children to try most of the crafts I put on here - they would much rather watch tv/play computer (I'm a failure.. I know)
When I went to the class for the pink rag quilt, the instructor (also a friend) said her father gave her this piece of advice
Choose ONE hobby and do it well - that it will become a talent which you can share with others
This would have to be the absolute opposite of me ~ Jack of all Trades, Master of None
Can I help it if I like - Photography, painting, sewing, dancing, jewellery making, cooking, eating, dreaming of decorating, (my house is like the least decorated in the world!! we don't even have family photos up!)
I have had that thought going around my head ever since. IT really spoke to me, and I realised that is what I had been doing Wrong all these years! NO Focus!
I had piano lessons as a child, but gave up
I love to dance, but don't do it near enough (*cough* if ever these days)
I sew things from scraps but am not willing to invest the needed $$ to become good at sewing
Was good at art at school but havent produced a painting in years
Whilst I can do wellish at most things I put my hand to I do not have a talent that I could teach others. I am good at copying things, but to stand out on my own - I don't think so.
So I thought which things do I want to improve on/practice so it can become my talent
At this moment in my life this blog is all the talent I have to show (and that may be questionable)
Two people who I know IRL (in real life) commented yesterday that they really liked my blog. I didn't even know they were readers.
That made me Happy. Very Happy.
So my talent to share with you is ..... this blog.
Your life is changed isn't it :)