Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy Leap Year
After a friends thoughtful entry on her blog about the leap year I thought I would do the same.
So there is an extra 24 hours this year. What will you be doing with that time?
Give to yourself, give to others, but just remember these extra hours are a gift!
I am/will do
*watching taped TV shows I am catching up on
*Baked the Chocolate Tort (Easter recipe to the right)
*Having Book Club at my house tonight
* oh and Re Propose to Ken as girls can do this on a leap year.
Kalani has also decided that her toy "dog" that she sleeps with and has loved for years - is going to celebrate his birthday today. I am more that happy with that arrangement, I said well you can't have another birthday for him, for 4 years!
So I hope you all have a happy leap year and enjoy your "extra" time.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ever had an Ugly Day?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I have been spoilt for too long
About 3 weeks ago, rushing around, trying to get out the door to get to school, at 8:30am the electricity turned off. The washing machine, TV, computer, and dishwasher all off.... a very quiet house..... NOT NORMAL!!.....
So I go to the fuse box, flick the right switch and everything is back on (It took me a few minutes to work out what to do, where the box is and looking at all the switches to see which one was the right switch - I was pretty proud of this effort - and I only did it alone as my phone for some bizarre reason couldn't call mobile phones so Ken couldn't rescue me! )
Back inside I notice a distinct burnt plastic smell ... not good.... it was coming from the dishwasher. I was too scared to leave the house incase an electrical fire burnt it down... so after turning off the switch ( It was truly dead, couldn't even turn the dishwasher back on... no lights.. nothing) and checking the house, we headed off to school. This was after I put the family photo albums and journals in a box in the garage - it is seperate from the house - so if the house did burn, my memories wouldn't burn with it!! Paranoid - maybe?
Well today 3 weeks later the man came to fix it - I felt sorry for him, cause it smelt soooo bad... it was full when it stopped. I took all the dishes out ( which had already been in over a day - milk is not good in this warm weather a day later ... ewww) and washed them... and then poured some hot water down the dishwasher hoping that would clean it out enough... but it wasn't enough.... 3 weeks later so smelly.
well he looked and then dropped the bad news... he had to take it away, and will see what is wrong - (probably from cockroaches he said the most common problem.. ewwww! they eat the computer chips) then bill the real estate, which will ask the owner what they want to do.... so it could be gone a very long time... boo hooo hoooo :(
So now everytime I look in the kitchen I feel a little sad... I have a gaping hole where my dishwasher used to be (and it was a really nice one with matching front - you couldn't even tell it was a dishwasher there)
I miss you dishwasher!
I love School!
On the first few days of school, I took quite a few photos. It was the first time at school for Anika, and Kalani was going into Grade 2. She would finally have a sister at school. She sometimes visits the Prep and gets to see Anika. She buys iceblocks and shares them with her sister.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Less is More.... they haven't learnt yet!

Monday, February 25, 2008
Parent Guilt
I always arrive at the girls school at 2:40. I sit and chat with some of the other parents, but I am nearly always the first one there. Very boring, I try to delay myself at home, but it seems if I leave at 2:13, 2:20, 2:30 I still get there 20 mins early.
Life Ain't So Bad

Saturday, February 23, 2008
Hottest day in 4 years?
Well Ken was busy nearly all day with work, church and grocery shopping ( I have an awesome husband who has decided that since he should be the "hunter/gatherer" he is now going to do the shopping on saturdays to save me going with the kids and/or save me from walking for hours!)
The Butter Experiment
You Will Need:
100mls heavy cream
jar with a tight cover
3 marbles
Put the cream in the jar with the marbles. Screw on the lid. Shake the jar in a figure of eight motion for around 10 mins. ( All take turns)
Butter will form all of a sudden; drain the butter from the buttermilk (whey) and keep shaking. Add a little salt and shake a little more until it looks firm. Refridgerate to harden.
What Happened?
Cream is an emulsion of fat in water. The fat droplets are held in suspension by the milk protein. When you make butter from cream, you force the fat droplets to join together.
This process is called coalescing.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
If you thought today was bad, you should have seen Yesterday..
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Chicken Nuggets
How strong is a piece of string?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
No Junk Mail Here...
Here are some guilty facts for you all!!
*Each year, 100 million trees are used to produce junk mail
*250,000 homes could be heated with one day's supply of junk mail
*Americans receive 4 million tons of junk mail every year - equivalent of deforesting the entire Rocky Mountain National Park every four months
*Americans pay $370 million annually to dispose of junk mail that doesn’t get reycled
*Americans throw away 44% of bulk mail unopened, yet still spend 8 months per lifetime opening junk mail
*The book 50 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth listed stopping unwanted junk mail as its number 2 recommendation.
*out of 5.6 million tons of mailings generated each year, 4.3 million are thrown in the garbage; 340,000 garbage trucks are needed to haul away all the junk mail that doesn't quite make it to the recycling bin.
I <3 Peanut Butter
Sunday, February 17, 2008
GIVING..... what can YOU do?
"The world is awash in divisions rooted in the human compulsion to believe our differences are more important than our common humanity - the next time you are tempted to give in to the thinking - that you can't make a difference with your time, money, or new beginnings - remember what has been done here"
I have just finished reading "Giving" by Bill Clinton. It pretty much tells how you as an individual can help change the world.
It was a great "give you a kick in the pants/ movitvational" read. So thus I am now looking for... people/places/organisations/etc.... to give my.... time/money/things/etc to.....
However I NEED HELP!! So if you or your... family/friends/aquaintances/pets/etc.... know of somewhere/someone I can help, or an idea I can start please forward your ideas onto me or leave a message.
I recommend reading Giving, though I will warn that it can get a little tedious as it is just like a philanthropic university paper, listing indiduals/groups/corporations that are making fantastic contributions throughout the world. It does tell their stories, so there are a few amazing tales of what YOU can accomplish if you try. Anyways I loved the premise/idea of the book, so am glad I have read it and now motivated to try something. Look at for one of the organisations listed.
Now I will leave you with a clip of a little baby that has made a difference in the world, and that if we have nothing else, the one thing we can give is love. Check out this link (I got off a friends cousins blog) it is very moving and you wont be the same person after you have watched it.
Hopefully together we can all change the world!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Caught out by the Local Governement

Which one is Chicken Little?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
What a Surprise!!
"If I had a flower for every time I think of you,
Lovers of Animals, Defenders of Maggots?

It has been raining almost daily for about 8 weeks. I walk in the rain to and from school everyday - about 25 mins each way. Yesterday it was raining quiet heavily, on the way home so we got very wet. My shoes were so wet that my feet were sliding everywhere inside my sandles, that I nearly twisted my ankle (more foot problems - not what I need) so I took my shoes off. To anyone that has had the misfortune of seeing my kids and I walk to school, I feel pity for you.
This is what we look like... Pram with bags piled on it, this time wet shoes too... blankets hanging off it to protect Gabrielle from the rain, me with my hat on (it is too hard to push a pram and hold an umbrella - so I wear a hat to stop the rain going on my face) this time, me with no shoes on (gutter trash come to anyones mind so far?) then trailing behind me is Anika and Kalani with umbrellas, raincoats, no shoes on Anika, usually they are holding sticks, rocks, flowers, seed pods etc etc... anything they happen to find on the walk. And there is often some fighting going on if they are tired from school. Pretty much the whole neighbourhood knows when we are coming.
So it is raining hard, and we are finally about 2 blocks from our house, when I look around and see that they aren't behind me. I say "Come on Girls" for about 2 mins then realise they are not going to come. So I back track to them and this is our conversation
"Come On, lets get home!"
"We can't!"
"We are saving Animals from being washed down the drain"
(this by the way is not unusual - we have saved worms, bugs, ants, lizards, snails etc)
So then I walk closer to the gutter and see that they are saving maggots which are being washed down the gutter from a bin further up the street. I had to laugh so hard. Anyone who knows my girls know they are semi-tomboys and also love animals and bugs. Now Kalani was using a stick... but Anika was picking them up with her hands. She had one on her palm. EWWWWWW!!I would have taken a photo if I had had my camera with me ( I so wish I had so when she is older I can tease her) so I found the above picture on the internet for some visualisation for you.
So after laughing so hard I said they are just fly babies and we don't really need to save them, as we dont really like flies and Australia has millions of them! So Kalani squashed the one she had, only for Anika to start almost crying saying "Its a baby fly... Don't kill it!!
So it was a perfect ending to a day filled with bugs (see earlier post) EWWWWWW!!
True Love on Valentines
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The way the Cookie Crumbles...
Valentines Special Coming Soon...
The girls and I are baking hearts to take to school and for us to celebrate Valentines Day tomorrow. We shall see if ours turn out as nice as the photo.
For anyone interested in Valentines day cooking....go here
it lists lots of yummy treats to make for your loved ones
Good luck!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
9th Wedding Anniversary
Sizzlers Birthday Party
When asked what she would like to do for her birthday she said she wanted to go to Sizzlers. Over the last week these are a few of the conversations that have happened.
"Sizzlers is a good restaurant"
Yes my kids actually think Sizzlers is a fancy restaurant. I suppose it is not like McDonalds or KFC, so they are kinda right
"You can get your own food....
This one was told to their Nanna (greatgrandmother) who is in hospital. I said ohhh don't be mean, nanna can't come with us. To which they answer
"It's OK, we will bring back a dessert or some lollies in a bag for you"
Well in the end they both got huge desserts and didn't even eat them... obviously the thought of it all was more enjoyable than actually eating anything... they just played with the present grandma bought her...
So I went and got a blog
I will still have my travelblog, but felt that it should be about travelling, and not the personal boring day to day stuff with kids. And travelblog is for the whole world to read (some of the posts have had 500 views - and no it wasnt me clicking on it all the time, well only about 20 times are mine!) At the moment this blog is public, but I might make it private just for invited people to read - ie all of you!
Hope you enjoy it!